influxdb home assistant no data

I did it in one evening. Also, do a docker ps -a to see if the old container (which was running before the reboot) is still there, but just not running. EDIT: I personally prefer the include-only configuration of the InfluxDB. As you can see in the example above, a good way to do this is with the keep or drop filters. I changed HA to run network host and added a firewall rule for port 8123. That would be great. Hmm I may have missed the state. in the code. One question with the docker image: How do you increase the influcdb connection pool? influxdb: host: port: !secret influx_port database: home_assistant username: !secret influx_username password: !secret influx_password Any way on how I can figure out if HA is actually writing to the bucket, or can you already tell that I do not write anything because I am missing an essential part? So the idea is working and values can be deleted, but the UX is not really good. 2018-01-24 15:01:24,835 INFO success: grafana entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (sta Enjoy your add-on, while I enjoy the brain juice. If so, just use the same as above, but switch out the name to the new sensor in the value_template. If you are using my setup just start the containers via docker-compose and follow these steps to set up our new InfluxDB database. In the InfluxDB data source, the legacy variable $interval is the same variable. and verify that the database exists and is READ/WRITE I mostly use InfluxDB own dashboards, they're enough for me, to be honest, I haven't seen the advantage of having Grafana querying it's data yet. sensors: So states like Home vs Not Home might get a bit tricky. If you notice that your fridge/freezer has started to use more power than usual, it might need a new seal or something. Hi Phil, You will be prompted to set a new password. Hi Phil, Im using your grafana-influxbd docker container on my Synology NAS for more than a year now and I like it so much with my home automation. Wait about a minute for the container to start, then open a web browser and point it to (replace with your IP). It can also be used with an external data source. About Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics. theyre zwave devices. Each sensors state is set by configuring a Flux query. Influx had big breaking changes from v1 to v2, so I'm personally avoiding the latest tag. Helped me a lot. Theres also some great options to setup alerts. The influxdb integration of Home Assistant makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an InfluxDB database. Here is a quick explanation what automations, blueprints, scenes and scripts are in Home Assistant. In my case organization is Home and bucket name is HomeAssistant. Login with default username and password of admin and admin. On the left side choose the seventh icon from the top. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lets go! This attribute contains component-specific override values. Out of curiosity, how big is/was your homeassistant.db? sensors: !include template/sensors.yaml, My grafana influxdb and HA are on the same device running DSM 6.1. Click the "Next" button. But its there running when you installed the Docker package from DSM. Hey Vince, thanks. [emailprotected]:~# docker run -d name docker-influxdb-grafana -p 3003:3003 -p 3004:8083 -p 8086:8086 -p 22022:22 -v /path/for/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb -v /path/for/grafana:/var/lib/grafana restart=always philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest 2.xx only - Organization ID to read from. Integrating into Home Assistant. Someone created the needed drivers for the docker implementation of this but stopped working on them and they're not available for my version of DSM. Adding data sources is not hard - just click on the "Add data source" icon and then choose InfluxDB. The toolbar to add new panels can be found at the top right corner. I am already using this addon for influxdb. If that doesnt work, there is something called Portainer. Press the + button next to the entity_id to add to the query. 2018-01-24 15:01:09,651 INFO exited: grafana (exit status 1; not expected) Youll be able to setup multiple dashboards, and even multiple users. The good news is youre not the only one experiencing this. Some workarounds include having a HA script write the latest sensor value to Influx every hour although this still might result in empty graphs. Click on the "Add data source" button. Ill try to limit requests as suggested for the time being. Grafana needs a separate database in the background to load the data from. Next, you can delete unwanted entities completely: Exclude the entity from being written to the InfluxDB again. 1.xx only - Name of the database to use. great guides! tom_l July 13, 2020, 2:24pm #2. Sorted it. This supports templates. When i check the explore in Influxdb home assistant autogen is there but it is not showing any domains or entities. It's useful for recording metrics, sensor data, events, and performing analytics. Something like. 1.xx only - Name of the database to use. InfluxDB is a scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics. I also used the measurement_attr setting to make sure that the (unique) entity id is used as a name for the data in InfluxDB. I submit this to assist others who may ned to know how to delete data from InfluxDB via the InfluxDB UI in HASSIO. These helped a lot to get the home started. Of course these are just some ideas Ive had. This way if you decide to upgrade to a newer version of InfluxDB/Grafana in the future, youll have the data available on your host machine, and it wont get destroyed if you remove the Docker container from your system. The database must already exist. Just as I'm typing this, maybe it is possible to fit an array of values in a sensor entity and use that to create a historic graph in HA. Administrative Assistant / Data Entry Clerk - Become a Focus Group Panelist now - Remote Part Time or Full Time Work At Home Position. And for helping others, here's my docker-compose that works on my Synology NAS (via Portainer): This is great. You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. In the former Grafana version that way worked for me. platform: template The battery sensor or the Grafana charts? In the next blog post, Ill detail how we can use Grafanato further visualize the data, rather than using command line queries. Well, for the Home Assistant UI, once youve made your attributes their own sensors with template sensors it should be a simple matter of just adding the applicable entity_id to your groups file. Select the whole query and copy it into clipboard. That dashboard looks sexy! influxdb:api_version: 2ssl: falsehost: influxdb.exmaple.comport: 8086token: organization: Home Assistantbucket: home_assistanttags:source: HomeAssistanttags_attributes:- friendly_name- device_classdefault_measurement: units, And an example query: If you followed my Docker instructions, you'll find it running on port 3004, otherwise it uses port 8086 for non-docker installations. A addict that is. you could try this: Does the component expose its own outside_garage_door_battery sensor? Forget Grafana for now, start at the data source. Your best bet is to execute the queries from Chronograf to create the database. This value can have historic data which is written to your HA database (sqlite/mariadb etc..). Most of the time I am online at the Discord chat. What are you tracking or hoping to track in your Grafana dashboard? Home-assistant comes with a DSMR reader, but for it to work you need home-assistant installed on the same device that is connected to the DSMR meter. In my case it looks like this. What is your docker run command? I . I dont really need grafana as I want to import the values from influxdb into lovelace cards. Duration or time value to stop range at. Are you an administrative assistant or data entry clerk looking for ways to make extra income remotely from home? Navigate to your InfluxDB installation. Now for the grafana graphs. The first thing youll need to do is setup a username and password. A sensor will be created for each query: Note that 2.xx installations of InfluxDB only support queries in their Flux language. Which can be limiting for some of the commands/flags you might need to set. If you are looking to add the full Grafana dashboards or elements of it directly to your Home Assistant dashboards follow my guide here. Needed with username configuration variable. This attribute contains domain-specific integration override values. Make sure you are running the latest version of Home Assistant before reporting an issue. If you scroll through this, you should see entries that are obviously coming from HomeAssistant. Anyone knows how can I do that ? Which sensors do you want to show in the UI? You can now click the "Apply" button. Im using docker on my Raspberry Pi 3+ right now to manage my Home Assistant configuration. Setting a coarser precision allows InfluxDb to compress your data better. I chose docker/Grafana. exclude: entity_globs: "*". How do you handle this? Once the access is possible you can connect Home Assistant to the database by using a configuration like this: Details can be found here but this small setup is good enough for me. You may need to chmod it to 0777 incase the user inside the container doesnt have permission to write to the host system, which can sometimes happen. Tokens are (for our purposes) a replacement for user accounts. Click on the "HomeAssistant - Write" token (directly on the name) and a window will open where a long string will be shown. The example configuration entry below create two request to your local InfluxDB instance, one to the database db1, the other to db2: Note that when working with Flux queries, the resultset is broken into tables, you can see how this works in the Data Explorer of the UI. Seems like for influxdb its the same. The proper way would be to pull the updated image and recreate the container. Measurement name to use instead of a unit or default measurement. 2:49 PM components/ (ERROR). See Customizing devices and services for format. Choose the "Latest" tag and click on the "Select" button. That way your historical data doesnt take up space on your SD card. Franky1 . My configuration file has this entry: Were going to run a query to create a new database just for Home Assistant. Additionally, you can now make use of an InfluxDB 2.0 installation with this integration. In my case, it's because I also use influxdb for other things. When you remove key columns Influx merges tables, allowing you to make many tables that share a schema for _value into one. influxdb: Is it primarily for energy monitoring? Ive added a link to the menu which links to Grafana for now. And I'm betting that Flux will be default going forward, so let's bite the bullet now :-), In "HTTP" section under "URL" enter address and port of the InfluxDB container. Note that unlike the 1.xx queries, this does not default to mean. You could of course install Influxdata software yourself, but that is out of scope for this topic, Really cool addon thanks. In the "Read" section choose "HomeAssistant" bucket and click on the "Save" button. I have a feeling its a polling issue or something because the battery levels show after a restart of HA. Do you think it will be possible? Well, thankfully there's a trick that we can use. Please be aware of the underlying InfluxDB mechanism that converts non-string attributes to strings and adds a _str suffix to the attribute name in this case. In the overview screen I see the battery sensor now ( no errors anymore whoohooo ), but its giving me n/a What could be wrong ? Cookie Notice With saying that, when Ive upgraded I never had any data loss, either from Grafana or Influx. If you wish, you could continue and select specific sensors or just decide that this is sufficient for the test. At the top of the page are some icons for types of things you can add to your dashboard. Here's how you can configure Grafana to use InfluxDB database. The primary goal of our add-ons project is to provide you (as an Hassio / Home Assistant user) with additional, high quality, add-ons that allow you to take your automated home to the next level. We can configure Home Assistant to write data for some (or all) devices to this new database. So, from my Google research it looks like you have to set the connection pool when connecting to InfluxDB. State object attribute(s) to use as measurement name. Turns on a blue Hue bulb outside of toilet, when toilet lights are on. include or exclude blocks can be used to control what data should be saved to influxDB. The bad news is thats not on the official Home Assistant repo yet. u/hellraiser thank you so much for this detailed tutorial! Once some data has been exported into InfluxDB, you should be able to see your entities data like this: I hope this has been helpful. One thing you should add to your Home Assistant service is the, The second service is our new InfluxDB service. 2018-06-17 21:10:03 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.components.influxdb] Database host is not accessible due to HTTPConnectionPool(host=, port=8086): Max retries exceeded with url: /query?q=SHOW+SERIES+LIMIT+1%3B&db=home_assistant (Caused by NewConnectionError(: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused,)), please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) Youll also need to check which version of InfluxDB youre running. On top of the screen a graph should be generated which will display all temperatures that HomeAssistant is logging. Setting this up with Home Assistant is also really easy. rtsecs) Out-of-the-box Home Assistant has a recorder and history component. Now lets go to the Coloring column and in the Thresholds type in 10,25. Available for free at, Press J to jump to the feed. So, if youre using Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi, you could have InfluxDB running on a PC or NAS thats always on. Once youve added this to your configuration, be sure to restart Home Assistant. Click the Edit button to open the graph editor at the bottom of the screen. This sets the default bucket for sensors, individual sensors can also read from a different bucket. I select that and a new "Filter" frame opens. PS: I already tried to install influxdb (outside Home Assistant) but I can't have an access to the database I'm using in my HA. Make sure you are running the latest version of Home Assistant before reporting an issue. It may not save the last poll value over restarts though. Here I select the "value" entry. After modifying your Home Assistant config be sure to restart Home Assistant (I usually do this through the Configuration UI). I would first confirm that both Home Assistant, and the Influx container are both using the host network. Both are running in docker, both are in the opt_default docker network and have local IPs in the same subnet. Best to check the latest docker run command on the repo at to get the latest port numbers to use.

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influxdb home assistant no data

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