Not only do the books come from unfamiliar cultures, but theyre also thousands of years old. Joshua The older we are, the more experienced we become at rationalizing sin. 1 Corinthians 2023 BGEA For example, in a court of law, jurors are asked to reach a verdict based on the evidence presented to them. In other words, we must act by faith in what God has shown us from His Word or our hearts can become hardened (cf. It is not enough just to study the Bible. Sources like these can give you vital information to help answer your questions. Refrain, Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, P Is there a Prayer to pray or a Priority to change? Logos can be an incredible resource as you seek to make this a part of your daily routine. Just like Matthew, Luke gets to the baptism in the third chapter. Yes, the Scripture (through your Teacher the Spirit) will bestow spiritual blessings, not by knowing but by doing! Bible studies include workbooks that help connect you to the ideas of Bible texts. Have I overlooked anything or made any assumptions? This book walks through each of the three steps of the inductive method paying particular attention to historical, literary, and theological elements that come into play at each stage. Ask God that his threats may drive you out of your sins, and drive you to seek pardon in Christ. When we obey the Word we are demonstrating the reality of our love for the Lord (our obedience is motivated by love not legalism!) Some use the term to describe a discussion group, which may discuss the Bible or some other uplifting book. Don't be like Crowfoot, the chief of the Blackfoot nation in southern Alberta, who gave the Canadian Pacific Railway permission to lay track from Medicine Hat to Calgary, and in exchange received a lifetime railroad pass. Get a roundup of new Word by Word articles in your inbox each Friday. What Is Application? Don't be like the man who boasted "I go through the entire Bible once every year".Application instead confronts us face to face with the question "How many times has the Bible gone through you?" this Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology can be taken as competently as picked to act. Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology is additionally useful. What a glory He sheds on our way! Luke gives us the most information about Jesus birth and even provides us with a glimpse of Jesus as a child (Luke 2:4150). We try to communicate what weve never experienced in our own lives.". So how do we apply any of it, let alone enjoy it. 0000002043 00000 n Read and practice; but we shall only be able to do this, as God the Holy Spirit shall help us. 2 Chronicles You should desire to know Gods Word better so it can change you. Application is where the proverbial "rubber meets the road", where our walk either does or does not back up our talk and where head knowledge becomes heart knowledge. It is more focused on the immediate application of the passage to your life. Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. We must meditate upon it. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? This fundamental step must be taken if one desires to accurately interpret and properly apply God's Word. Sow an action, reap a habit. For example, Peter says in 1 Peter 5:8: "Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion." Note expressions of time The relationship of events in time often sheds light on the true meaning of the text. The more time and intentionality you put into understanding Gods Word, the more treasures you discover. Youre attempting to get a sense of the whole before you begin to break down the parts. Then I watched a little longer out my window and there came a botanist. Samuel addressing King Saul after his serious "miscalculation" (sin) said "Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Hosea It is the supernatural, progressive revelation of who God is and man's relationship to God. O/uE 4l"iI.l#e \c@pZFi7lq?3@hv?7 Il` Now that youve come up with questions, its time to do research. If you do not this, you are reading to your own condemnation. Spiritual maturity, in which we become more like Christ, comes not just from knowing more about the Bible. /+X$!acR\Y[/EC%D @2ADk0uHha3j^ 63 12 Malachi The questions that might come out of your observations about Mark might include: Why does Mark not include the Christmas story in the beginning? 8. The goal is to familiarize yourself with the work as a whole. Leading from values so others will walk passionately with God to grow and bear fruit. Their righteousness was external, based on facts and devoid of personal response. Instead, we need to be Bible "bees", using inductive study to go deep into the Scriptures obtaining its divine nectar and then allowing God's "nectar" to change us. Bible study is about digging into the text and pulling out insights. 10 Questions the Internet Is Asking about the KJV. H. P. Barker has a graphic illustration emphasizing the importance of both knowing and doing the Bibles truths As I looked out into the garden one day, I saw three things. In Gods mind, knowledge without obedience is sin. Our first duty is to meditate. There should never be a time when we go to the Scriptures without allowing them to change our lives for the better. (John Calvin), Gods Word can only produce growth in soil "fertilized" by obedience. Until all on the altar we lay; Step 2: InterpretationWhat does the passage mean? SMbN|U#t?%ux[w]z!\8U=Cdl1fNX`)5|@c!"&|q0|1"W Sfi%DaW1VC>Z(#qoR L%#GS`Kj)|%2laZxe"$[1Gf9pnY$,sfP.( +EelPEC_JjN bbBwa7$}%I$UO8 % Job In observation, you were asking the question, What did I see? In interpretation, you ask, What does it mean? If you have not done a thorough job in the exploration phase, the interpretation phase can be difficult. ), Christian author Jerry Bridges writes that "As we search the Scriptures, we must allow them to search us, to sit in judgment upon our character and conduct. Though he draw them they will not come to him, and when he calls them they will give him no answer. 1 Chronicles Give Me Liberty! James emphasizes the importance of follow through in inductive study exhorting us to "prove (ourselves) doers of the word, and not merely hearers (the Greek word was used of one who audited a class rather than taking it for credit -- are you just auditing the Bible or are you fully enrolled?) We need to be specific here. There is something incredibly rewarding about mining those nuggets of truth for yourself. When you become a Christian, you enter into an exciting, lifelong relationship with the Bible. He was there for hours writing notes, closed them, stuck them under his arm, tucked his magnifying glass in his pocket and walked away. Learn more 2. By using the tools included inInductive Bible Study, youll approach Bible study with more depth and understanding. What is the key to applying the Bible to my life? How does the truth of this passage apply to my life? Note that the question is not"Is this truth relevant to my life?" Jeremiah The inductive Bible study method is a time-tested way for the layperson to approach studying Scripture. Sometimes there will be figurative language and confusing imagery, but dont start by looking for hidden meaning. Interpretation should build on observation and then lead into interpretation. Grasp these sweet promises. Like Ezra we should make every effort to handle it accurately and live it out assiduously (with perseverance and care)! It is more needful for you to hear God's words than that God should hear yours, though the one will always lead to the other. Zechariah It is still as true today as when Martin Luther first said it that The world does not need a definition of religion as much as it needs a demonstration.. In His Words: What Billy Graham Once Said About Eternity. startxref How do we apply what we just learned to everyday life? If you feel the wrath to come now, you may never have to feel it in the next world. One practical approach to Bible study is a four-part process of observation, interpretation, connection, and application. Matthew Resource links How to Perform A Greek Word Study on the Web, Multiple resources on Biblical Interpretation (Hermeneutics). The godly preacher F. B. Meyer wrote that Devout meditation on the Word is more important to soul-health even than prayer. Awe is a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. 3:7f+, He 4:2+), (3) Response of obedience: Genuine faith will obey. These four steps help you to orient yourself to a passage, wrestle with what it's trying to communicate and examine your life in light of God's Word. Strip the passage of all the jewels you can find on your own, and then come back through with a commentary. Bible Study Principles Again, our METHOD of reading, searching, and study must involve very precise OBSERVATION, which is absolutely necessary to accurate INTERPRETATION! Through the inductive method you follow a process of studying the Bible one book at a time. Lamentations 1 Thessalonians You can help us reach children and their families to know Jesus. Sometimes youll be studying a passage that has a precise application. Is there any significance to the fact that Mark does not need to explain what that title means? He never reads the book, but he reads the disciple of Christ, and he judges the Christian religion, by the lives of its professors. Proverbs Who art thou that judgest another man? To his own master he stands or falls. 0000001036 00000 n (Mt 7:13, 14+). J A Bengel wisely admonished "Apply yourself to the whole text, and apply the whole text to yourself.". It is packed with revelation, lessons, instruction, and theology. (John 17:3), Heart appropriation, not merely head apprehension, is the true goal of Bible study. The Bible is a unique collection of sixty-six books written by men under the direction and influence of the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. Goes the way, The Bible is an inexhaustible mine of precious gems. The Bible helps you understand God and His relationship with humanity. There really arent any wrong questions, and sometimes what seems like a silly question can reveal critical insights. John God's promises are not a substitute for prayer, but a stimulus to it. Accurate interpretation and correct application rest on the accuracy of your observations. What other Scripture passages might help me better interpret this one? This typically involves reading a shorter Bible passage and doing less in-depth investigation of the text. For Inductive Bible study, we don't begin with a topic and then try to find specific verses that make a teaching point. In other words, am I applying this truth? That's a frightening statement! In the margin of many pages in D. L. Moody's Bible, he wrote the letters T and P, meaning "Tried and Proved." Bringing hope and resources to military families worldwide. For example, Psalm 24 says, "The Lord owns the earth and all it contains, the world and all who live in it. and We may hear words like "hermeneutics" (the science of interpretation) or "exegesis" (critical explanation or interpretation of a text) and think interpretation is something best left to experts. Galatians It is one thing to know these truths, and even to fight for them with the zeal and bitterness of a controversialist, but it is quite another thing to enjoy them as our own heritage and our portion for ever. If youre not careful, theyll do all the work of observation and interpretation for you. Learning to read andstudy Scriptureis an important part of the Christian life. 0 :L What Do We Lose When We Forget the Importance of Prayer? Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. The difference between studying and applying the Scriptures is somewhat like the difference between drifting in a boat and rowing toward a destination. If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. God's Word is the flawless discerner, perfectly analyzing our every motive, intention, and belief. This step is asking these questions: What are the biggest ideas and the important details? Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others. So if youre studying Mark, start by reading the entire book. How can we know what parts of the Bible apply to us today? Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. Could that be a clue about his intended audience? If there is a command to be obeyed, we obey it. And what thou understandest well, thou canst not too well teach; But then we must allow that Word to get into us, to make a permanent difference in our character and conduct. Ruth A single revealed fact cherished in the heart and acted upon is more vital to our growth than a head filled with lofty ideas about God. To be sure our first goal should be to get into the Bible and then to allow the Bible to get into us. Now, think about what the passage tells us that is always true not just in its original setting, but in any time and place. Girdlestone in his 1887 classic "How to Study the English Bible" has a chapter on application that speaks to "THE PRACTICAL AND DEVOTIONAL USE OF THE BIBLE" - We have now come to the last and most important stage of our subject. Jesus emphasized this important truth again in John 17 declaring. What was the result in his life and by way of application what will be the result in our life if we emulate his example? The observation phase was all about observing what the text says, but the interpretation phase is the next step. May we all seek to so diligently apply what we observe and interpret that we see "the world turned upside down.". Youve observed the details in the text and drawn interpretive conclusions about what the author was saying to his original readers. We tone down unconsciously the vigor of St. Paul's remonstrances, the force of his figures, such as ' Death to sin,' the strictness of the law of retribution, and of judgment according to works ; the demand of absolute self-sacrifice, and of truth at any cost ; the need of meekness, forbearance, self-restraint and sympathy. In a very real sense we are giving our brain a bath; we are washing it in the purifying solution of Gods Word (cp Ep 5:26-note). The New Testament gives us further teaching about the way of approach, and makes new demands on our spiritual life, whilst offering us a new standard to live up to.
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