09/02/2020 - 06/30/2020 - 10/02/2020 - Inslee statement on federal stimulus package COVID-19 Data shown as of previous day at 11:59 pm PT. 11/10/2020 - Washington Board of Health says they will not enact mandatory covid-19 Inslee provides enforcement guidance on Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, COVID-19: Departamento de Correccionales Violacin de la Libertad Condicional, Inslee issues additional guidance on funerals and real estate transactions, letter to tribal governments, Inslee statement on federal stimulus package, Inslee signs health care licensing waivers and other COVID-19 related orders, COVID-19: Visitation and Remedial Services, COVID-19: Departamento de Nios, Jvenes y Familias - Cuidado Infantil y Verificacin de Antecedentes, COVID-19: Departamento de Nios, Jvenes y Familias - Visitas a Nios y Servicios de Recuperacin, Inslee provides construction guidance and signs proclamations for UI rules, healthcare payments, Inslee signs additional measures to help mitigate COVID impacts, COVID-19: Electronic Notary Effective Date, "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" address transcript, COVID-19: UTC - Asistencia al Contribuyente, COVID-19: Ley de Reuniones Pblicas Abiertas y Ley de Registros Pblicos, COVID-19: Fecha de Entrada en Vigencia de la Notara Electrnica, Inslee announces "Stay Home, Stay Healthy"order, Inslee and other governors send letter urging Trump to expand unemployment benefits, Inslee statement on Boeing decision to suspend operations in Pacific Northwest, COVID-19: Quedate en Casa Mantente Sano, Inslee statement on federal major disaster declaration, Inslee names retired Navy Vice Admiral Raquel C. Bono head of Washington state COVID-19 health care response team, Inslee letter to Trump requests federal major disaster declaration, Inslee letter requests the U.S.S. Inslee statement on Boeing decision to suspend operations in Pacific Northwest COVID-19: Ley de Reuniones Pblicas Abiertas y Ley de Registros Pblicos COVID-19: Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act COVID-19: Office of Financial Management, State Human Resources Division Annual Leave and Pay Procedures Video message from Gov. COVID-19: Nursing Home Transfer or Discharge for COVID-19 Cohorting Purposes COVID-19: Statewide Proclamations Relating to Long-Term Care Washingtonians weigh in on recent efforts to limit insulin costs, Winner of $754.6 million Powerball jackpot's identity revealed, Portions of western Washington under Winter Weather Advisory overnight, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, TSA promotes COVID-19 safety guidance ahead of anticipated spring break travel spike, US extends border travel restrictions with Canada, Mexico through March 21, Washington state issues advisory urging out-of-state travelers to quarantine for 14 days, CDC: International travelers flying to US will need proof of negative COVID-19 test. 03/18/2021 - 11/19/2020 - 09/25/2020 - Inslee statement on Biden signing the American Rescue Plan Act COVID-19: Community Associations Meetings and Late Fees 03/31/2020 - The advisory defines essential travel as travel for work and study, critical infrastructure support, economic services and supply chains, health, immediate medical care, and safety and security.. 04/03/2020 - Use the following forms. 11/15/2020 - Support is also available throughCare Connect Washington. Inslee issues two proclamations for facial coverings, vaccine requirements 01/14/2021 - COVID-19: Statewide Proclamations Relating to Long-Term Care COVID-19: Telemedicine The last part of the form calls for an attachment. 07/02/2020 - COVID-19: Concerning the Health of Agricultural Workers COVID-19: Nursing Home Transfer or Discharge for COVID-19 Cohorting Purposes While the TSA said they do expect traveler numbers to remain lower than they were before the pandemic during this time of year, the agency does expect to see the numbers go up. COVID-19: Restrictions on Travelers from Countries where the SARS-CoV-2 Variant 501Y.V is Circulating 10/02/2020 - 07/16/2020 - 05/13/2021 - ICYMI: Inslee letter to Trudeau seeks solution for Point Roberts residents 03/25/2020 - Inslee updates Healthy Washington criteria for county phases COVID-19: Ratepayer Assistance and Preservation of Essential Services How Matt Hancock and Priti Patel celebrated news of Covid crackdowns If you need support to safely stay at home, or you need a safe place to isolate or quarantine, your local public health department may be able to connect you with available services in your area. Inslee updates proclamation on truck driver hours 04/03/2020 - COVID-19: Truck Driver Hours Inslee signs new COVID-19 order for phased re-opening of Washington's economy COVID-19: Department of Licensing CDL Health Certificates and Other Requirements COVID-19: Enmiendas al Cdigo de Construccin del Estado If your test result is negative, you may return to work and should continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others. 06/02/2020 - 01/25/2021 - COVID-19: College Closures COVID-19: Implementacin del Reinicio de la Construccin Fase 1 05/05/2020 - COVID-19: Collective Bargaining 04/13/2020 - 10/27/2020 - 04/30/2020 - Inslee letter to Trump requests federal major disaster declaration Cloth masks with multiple layers of breathable, tightly-woven fabric. 12/08/2020 - 05/09/2020 - COVID-19 School Closures COVID-19: Department of Revenue - Relief from Penalties, Fees, Interest, Due Dates Inslee statement on Trump comments downplaying dangers of COVID-19 Inslee announces vaccination requirement for most state employees, private health care and long-term care workers Inslee issues additional guidance for outdoor recreation in Phase 1 and Phase 2 COVID-19: Statewide Proclamations Relating to Long-Term Care Havent received a second dose of Pfizer/Moderna, or, Havent received a booster after getting second dose of Pfizer/Moderna at least 5 months ago or a Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least 2 months ago. COVID-19: Statewide Orders Relating to Long-Term Care 05/27/2020 - Inslee statement on rising cases of anti-Asian hate crimes 07/31/2020 - COVID-19: Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act COVID-19: Freezing Hiring, Personal Services Contracts, and Equipment Purchases COVID-19: Ratepayer Assistance and Preservation of Essential Services Inslee issues, extends proclamations related to COVID-19 Inslee announces contact tracing initiative APPLE MAGGOT AND PLUM CURCULIO QUARANTINE WAC 16-470-101 . You have a right to legal counsel. 08/09/2021 - Inslee trims 2020 supplemental operating budget to address financial impact of COVID-19 Weve moved all our COVID-19 information to the new state website. Inslee issues additional guidance on 'Stay Home, Stay Healthy' order and proclamation for retired workers to return to essential jobs 03/18/2021 - 07/01/2021 - Inslee updates proclamation on truck driver hours COVID-19 | Washington State Department of Health COVID-19: Unemployment Benefit Job Search Requirement 05/29/2020 - 04/16/2020 - 03/26/2021 - Inslee announces re-authorization of J & J COVID vaccine in Washington You are considered up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccines when you have completed your initial series of vaccinations and all recommended booster shots that you are eligible for. COVID-19: Liquor and Cannabis Board Inslee statement on SEIU Healthcare 1199NW and Swedish Hospital negotiations, A special COVID-19 message to Washington state businesses and workers from Governor Jay Inslee, Inslee announces workers' compensation coverage to include quarantined health workers/first responders, Inslee issues COVID-19 emergency proclamation, Inslee statement on death in Washington state from COVID-19. COVID-19: Liquor and Cannabis Board COVID-19: Community Associations Meetings and Late Fees Inslee announces two-week pause on phases Say your preferred language when connected. COVID-19: Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act 06/18/2020 - 06/15/2020 - COVID-19: DOR Waivers Inslee issues guidance for museums, bowling and agritourism; updates guidance for outdoor recreation The emergency order amends Proclamation 20-83, which required air passengers coming from countries where new variants of COVID-19 were detected to quarantine for 14 days upon arriving in Washington state. COVID-19: Residency for Tuition Waivers COVID-19: Post-Retirement Employment 06/18/2020 - Inslee issues guidance for restarting essential workforce development programs 08/04/2021 - 09/02/2020 - Inslee statement on vaccine approval for 5-to 11-year-olds 07/01/2020 - Quarantine and Isolation The CDC has updated the recommended isolation and quarantine period for the general public. 03/10/2020 - 10/21/2020 - COVID-19: Cierre Pblicas y Privadas Universidades 03/26/2020 - COVID-19 Data Dashboard | Washington State Department of Health COVID-19: DRS Post-Retirement Employment 03/22/2020 - COVID-19: Protection Orders and Personal Service Inslee signs emergency proclamation requiring in-person education opportunities for public K-12 schools
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