At the moment it is probably true that they lack some of the technical possibilities and the large amount of forces which they need in order to achieve their goals directly. Quizs no seamos muchos los que somos open mind en estas cosas, pero trabajando juntos podramos hacer grandes cosas. Answer: To say it with your words: Im a curios student of the social behavior of your species. How easy it is for you or anyone to make outrageous claims. There is info for everybody. Im just one example. One thing first before the explanation: it certainly sounds ridiculous to you that such highly developed extraterrestrial ships simply crash, and that a relatively large number did so in a relatively short amount of time. The best Youtube to MP4 converter. The following is certainly difficult to understand and to believe for someone who hasnt experienced it, but I was really in contact with her mind and Im now completely sure that everything she said during the interview is the absolute truth about our world. My general advice if you find yourself in a, for you, strange underground installation: run away as fast as you can. At first we talked mainly about really ordinary things; later we got into religious and physical topics. The reason for the shifting of the date and time of the second meeting was a possible observation and surveillance of my own person after the publication of the first transcript. On the other hand, if this is a work of fiction, I hope to read more as it is quite good, and I RELISH topics of science fiction and science fact, the world is a place of wonder, and learning about it has always been a love of mine. Question authority. I hope that humans will soon be able to live with all different races we share this beautiful universe and theres no reason we shouldnt be able to live together. Do you see the distortion and the quasi-light in the rotating cylinders? As a consequence of these attacks, the alien species ultimately withdrew from all contact with you and was understandably more than angered about your kind. It is, at best, the surface of a side. Jimmy Bergman, Owner, Sweden. This would mean that I would meet with you two or three and learn. They have real estate and bank accounts in fiscal paradises around the globe to avoid taxes and as a safe haven in case of trouble, own underground bunkers in case of war, earth changes and civil unrest, and so on. Why the openness now? Can I have the chance to talk to one of her species? You pose many questions to me today which even I cannot answer unequivocally. Lacerta Files | Majestic Wikia | Fandom I fought racism all my life, Im not gonna start today. Even you people could theoretically do this; however, you are solidly blocked in these things. The station is driven by fusion as its base and it supplies the colony and the suns with energy. wolf large 3 tier jewelry box; psychology of crisis management decisions; riverside county tract maps. I cant shake these thoughts or ideas and I will forever have a changed view of the world around me. Most people with that type of education, a Masters degree in Theoretical Physics, have filters on, but not to questions the authority but to filter anything they hear that is contrary, conflicts or questions the official point of view of the government or figures of authority. Now there is still another intermediary layer for which you unfortunately have no human concept, since the theory is not common in human thinking. Answer: We measure the time not like you in astronomical years and in the revolving of the earth around sun, because we usually live beneath the surface of the planet. K.: The meeting began with an appraisal of diverse questions and opinions which I had gotten from readers of the first transcript in anonymous fashion through distribution from my trustworthy friends. Maybe they have aroused too much observation there. Despite of our presence on this planet, the aliens decided to help the apes to evolve a little bit faster, to serve them in the future as some kind of slave-race in coming wars. Answer: We dont know exactly. When the phone became operational once again, there were quiet echoes and strange clicking and whirring sounds when I made calls. I want to belive/ I wish its the true! I rather would value, like yourself, meeting someone with whom I could feel at peace with. The reptilian renegades have been removed from the planet by the Galactic Federation. You should listen and learn from people but stay away from established religions of officialdom. I and my friend have agreed there must not only be a switch in our brain but some sort of limitation, a limitation that we cannot surpass. This was our direct ancestor. The wisdom traditions and their followers have been talking about them since the earliest recordings. We are all fucked. If this alien species is alive living under the earth, why did she choose you? I did not transcribe the interviews. Thank you for sharing! Question: Youve said there are only 14 species active on earth. Im a high strangeness researcher and have been involved with historical investigation of EBEs and UFOs for appx. Sacred. She said that only a reptilian can reveal themselves but we cannot willfully meet a reptilian. The truth is that your modern human civilization is not the first on this planet Earth but already the seventh. How old is your species? They never told you the complete truth, but always built in again and again clever lies, which later lead to technical problems and to your dependence on them. Question: You mentioned earlier that you use the name Lacerta when you are among humans and that you enjoy it to be in the real sun on the surface of earth. He seemed to be impressed by my knowledge, and I was likewise impressed with his clear thoughts and hisfor a human beingwell displayed personality structure and his own opinions. I can easily see that we can all do better for ourselves and each other. None of this has anything to do with supernatural powers. A scientist in the country you call United States had built a nearly correct skeleton of our kind some years ago, but the local government (which is partly aware of our existence) confiscated the reconstruction. Is there a second sun inside our planet? Question: I have here 5 prints of different UFOs, which claim to show UFOs. I believe she has. Answer: Partly, especially when the aliens took egg and sperm samples from you. We are more than our DNA. Our evolution time may seem incredible long to you, but this is in fact the original way of nature. The only conclusion that I can come to is that there is already an ongoing discussion within a dedicated circle going on. Since my assignment anyway had as its goal an investigation of this terrain which was to last for several days, I visited him in this span of time three times as a human person. All I really want to say is that I have questions and theories/answers that I want someone to hear. Lacerta y su pueblo es de raza reptiliana pero no de los reptilianos galcticos renegados. If she is correct, we are in a war. The fingernails are grey and generally longer than yours. The humans were on their own and your civilization developed. Im able to say them but it would hurt your ear if I tell you the names in their original way. Thank you to Lacerta we peaceful humans appreciate you and your species and I speak on behalf of all humanity and I hope you accept our most sincere apology, it is your planet and I feel its unfair that you hide away. Our scientists were able to encode the messages and data and so we heard the first time about the events which took place in the distant past and which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. I wish for our species to take the next step and understand that you, me and everything on this planet is connected, is One, and understand we are a part of a bigger organism than just us. When I informed E.F. personally about these events, he suggested that I change the place and date of the meeting in order to assure our own and Lacertas safety. But they evolved very slow as it is normal for a mammal and if nothing extraordinary had happened to your kind, we wouldnt be able to sit here and talk because I would sit in my comfortable modern house and you would sit in your cave clothed with fur and trying to discover the secrets of fire or you would maybe sit in one of our zoos. Lacerta Files | Fandom This isnt used very often, because we avoid human public when we move in the atmosphere. I suppose most of you have read the weird document called "Lacerta File I" which I had sent you last week and I have received some response from you concerning that stuff. I'm so ready to see through the illusions and accept without fear. Answer: I have a certain feeling that you dont believe me, despite the fact that Im sitting here in front of you. This is part of the genetic programming of your kind to which I will come later. I pray maybe this person who translated have maybe a connection with Lacerta or Lacerta in disguise see this post. I will learn and progress with them, my race ain't helping me. As a result, the entire field spectrum is shifted to a higher plasma-like condition, whereby the spectrum comes together with this harsh shifting to the opposite pole side the word is NOT correct of the force field and it resembles quite closely a gravitational shift. There is no Serve us or Serve me switch in your mind, so such a command is much more difficult to induce. Just makes me giggle. This is not another of that wrong UFO papers which claim to tell the truth but tell in fact just fiction, Im convinced that this transcript contains the only truth and therefore you should read it. But there is also another explanation, why we can walk among you and why you are not able to recognize us: mimicry. Kali Yuga is the End Times. Question: As you have not allowed me to make photos what would be very useful to prove your real existence and the truth of this story can you describe yourself detailed? Some of these opinionsall together there were over 14 pages of papercontained comments shaped by everything from a radically religious to a fanatical tendency to welcome contact with a reptilian species. No one visibly had touched that pencil.]. I would also like to know more about our hair and its purpose. There was and is a cold war between two of these hostile races during the last 73 years and the third species seemed to be the winner in this useless struggle. [Comment by Ole K.: I certify that the pencil mentioned above abruptly at that very moment jumped into the air to a height of 20 cm and then fell back to the surface of the table. As I have said, three alien species are hostile and this means that they do not care for your fate or for your life and people who were abducted by them came very rarely back alive. They were simple animals. If I follow her lines my impression is that she wanted to see some sort of acceptance, reasonable response, or some activities from any organisation showing some sort of acceptance of what she said. She seemed very sad spending her lifetime in caves under ground, in the planet that is long time home to her kind. Unfortunately, if I read the entire transcript and (much more) this All The other species - about which we know not so Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of they need in order to achieve their goals . According to her statements the seventh "test series" of humans created by the Illojim were deposited roughly 5000 years ago. Check out also the BVW Facebook wall, join it to post info and comments there and ask questions. Our time measurement depends on periodically returning cycles in the earth magnetic field and according to this (and said with your numbers) Im today let me calculate 57,653 cycles old. Id prefer to keep the name as Ole, if you can transcribe it phonetically into Japanese, writing it in Japanese characters. Lacerta said that 14 alien species were active on . This is partly a programming of your mind and partly pure ignorance. The result is an inter-stratifying reflective force field which is very difficult to modulate within certain technical boundaries in relation to its own characteristics. Many bones of us were used for Iguanodon reconstructions, for example the hands with the visible thumb (look at an Iguanodon in a museum and you will see that Im right.) The surviving humanoids on earth obviously died in the years after the bomb and others of their kind and the reptilians never came back to Earth (as far as we know). Greetings to Lacerta. The truth about human contact with at least one alien race is well recorded in Behold A Pale Horse by Cooper, where he provides official government documents and his own military intelligence background. I am now at the crossroads of where do I go from here. This rise causes a production of many enzymes and hormones in our body, our heart and brain and every organ becomes more active and we feel than very, very good. There is so much I want to learn from them: Their biology, their medical practices, their religion and culture. Answer: Do you really think I will tell you their exact location? These layers contain information, as an example, about the simple structure of matter or the string frequency, but also there is stored information stemming from the development of matter. productos y aplicaciones. What if the human species is about to be wiped out, can we expect some help? That would make Lacerta around 45 now, I doubt she is a student anymore. Now let's look at evolved, what does evolved mean? The connection absorption with another consciousness/awareness is generally separate in the procedure from the simple influence of matter, since different consciousness/awareness fields work with different oscillations. I think I ought to stop with this explanation. After reading the talk with Lacerta, I ask myself: What sense does it have to me to continue living simply without thinking of this truth and ignoring the future that awaits me and my species or the end? I know exactly whats needed to prove forever that the claims you have made are actually true: Provide scientists with a meaningful description or mathematical model of something scientists can confirm. Maybe no alien species will come and give us a helping hand, but maybe it's for the best, maybe that is the only way we will learn to stand as One. lacerta files part 3 - Question authority. Answer: This is difficult to answer. That is to say, it can be interacted with solid matter as well as with mind or mental information, wherewith we can achieve everything that is generally designated as telekinesis and telepathy. They are able to appear in your mind and memory as whatever they want and this induced image has nothing to do with their real appearance. This means that can make themselves look like anything they want. We expect a more hot war between them and you in the near future (I would say in the next 10 or 20 years) and we are worried about that development. Around 1,5 million years ago, another alien species arrived at Earth (it was surprisingly the first species since over 60 million years. K.. Category:Lacerta Files | UFO-Alien Database | Fandom I am going to attempt and bring up this line of conversation with it. Transcript of the Interview (Shortened Version), [Comment by Ole. I have never met Lacerta in person. When I returned, the car was on the other side of the street once again. Humans need to work together, to evolve I believe is the point here. Id like it to cover more languages as well but due to lack of volunteers I cannot undertake such a task. Now, your human military collected the individual pieces at first until they discovered the whole ships with the dead creatures aboard. I would not be surprised if this interview were real. In this cabin I sensed a human consciousness/awareness. We have no forenames like you but only a single but unique name which is divided and characterized by the way of speaking and which is given not to children (who have an own children-name) but only in a special procedure in the adolescent age at the time of either religious or scientific enlightenment or awareness (as you would call it.) Please read the transcript and think about it and you will maybe see the truth in these words.
lacerta files part 3
you fought a good fight rest in peace message
lacerta files part 3
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