It is backed up by something called colorology, also known as color psychology or chromotherapy. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers. Coupled with their big-picture vision and restless soul drive for change, you become easily frustrated with society and others who are not shifting quickly enough. SUMMARY Indigo children are light-bearers who are driven by the sole purpose in life: to awaken humanity. Beyond. While you see nothing special in your ability, it gives you an advantage in reading others with ease and seeing through masks. Over the past number of decades, there has been a growing number of children who seem to come from a place beyond this physical universe, in order to bring the world into a new state of consciousness. Although often thought to be different, indigo adults and children often okay with that. Previously, auric fields were expected shades of the rainbow, but the Indigos field was dominated by a royal blue color. WebAccording to research psychologist Russell Barkley, the New Age movement has yet to produce empirical evidence of the existence of indigo children, as the traits most commonly attributed to them are closely aligned with the Forer effect so vague that they could describe nearly anyone. Known as Indigo Adults , they are intuitive and may also display psychic abilities. They also tend to enjoy reading and learning more than the kids their own age. Indigos see the world differently. Nurture this ability. Sometimes Indigo child's eye may turn into a deep sky blue color when they grow up. While this can also be advantageous, being over critical can also lead to major disappointments. Our site uses cookies. is their integrity. People have diagnosed you with ADD or ADHD, 20. They will instead question the leaders, try to reason everything and expose the falsehood if they are convinced that its a bullshit faade. Indigo Children tend to have intense eyes because they are people of great depth. They are loving, empathetic, intelligent, and curious. Crystal children, Rainbow children, and Star children are all different manifestations or variations of Indigos. Some Indigo children are diagnosed with ADHD due to their sensitive nature and ability to exist at a higher, more fast-paced level. The Indigo label describes the energy pattern of human behavior which exists in over 95% of the children born in the last 10 years This phenomena is happening globally and eventually the Indigos will replace all other colors. Common traits of star children are said to include clairvoyance and clairsentience, the propensity to trip electricity, manipulate the environment with the mind, telepathy, high intuition, heal with energy, detect danger, travel out of the body, act as channelers, and the ability to download information from other planets. Carroll and Tober had written a book that quickly became a guide of sorts for parents of unusually bright and active children, in a world where children are commonly overmedicated, attending schools devoid of creative environments, and in homes lacking sufficient time and attention from their parents. Crystal, Indigo, and Star Seed children are a certain kind of special, displaying characteristics that push the boundaries of what is assumed to be our reality. of these very different kids. And have a strong sense of purpose. According to Tappe, there are several types of indigo children, although they all share several common traits, including a sense of superiority (or acting like royalty), difficulty with authority figures, refusal to do routine things (like wait in line), and non-responsiveness to certain disciplinary actions. For the handful who replied in YES. Most have piercing blue eyes -- though Sandie does not. Toxic Thoughts Are Holding You Back From Your Mind-Body Connection. An aura, for the uninitiated, is a color-based imprint of one's energy, soul, essence, etc., that surrounds the body. The Gamma is the third generation of Indigo children, born between 1978 and 1988. These were a few big names who have been writing about this Indigo evolution. The Indigo label describes the energy pattern of human behavior which exists in over 95% of the children born in the last 10 years This phenomena is happening globally and eventually the Indigos will replace all other colors. 6. Doreen Virtue, a psychotherapist who has also written books on Indigo Children has asserted it as a leap in human evolution. He also articulates that these children are often misdiagnosed with brain disorders like ADD or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and are medicated wrongly when all they need is special care and training. Money does not matter to them as much as fulfillment. It is usually purple with markings of ocher or a crystal color. Is Psychedelic Tourism Destroying the Sanctity of Plant Medicine? Hollow Earth vs Flat Earth Theory; Where Does One Draw the Line? The book also explains how these children with high-level consciousness will be an irreplaceable part of the future. In fact, over the course of their lifetime, an Indigo Adult may find that their eyes grow in intensity and take on a more crisp, sky blue colour. The inception of the indigo children concept, 3. Known as the Rock n Roll Shaman, Andye brings a spirited personality and vivacious attitude to the healing realms. #2 Strange Are often perceived by friends and family as being strange. Far from it! They are natural system busters with a non-responsiveness to controlling and/or authority figures, a feeling of natural superiority, and an innate love for nature, plants, and anim. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. This further delays the much-required change in the world. , low self-esteem, addictions, and even suicide. Crystal children are another exceptional category of human beings, known to follow their hearts as idealists in a world limited and troubled by materialists. Well, heres an eye-opener: Just because these qualities are rarely found doesnt mean it should be idealized. I know plenty of Indigo Children with beautiful dark brown eyes. They strive to raise consciousness and change the world. These systems may also seem antiquated compared to those you know and believe are much more effective. Indigo children eyes are deep. Indigo children are a special group of human beings that are incredibly gifted. They are here for a purpose and they are not going anywhere without fulfilling it. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. Indigo childrens eyes are also usually deep azure and green and are intensely expressive. Like a LOT. #3 Intuition They have a strong intuition. You must not shrug it off and instead try to capitalize on your gifted powers. Having big blue eyes does not make you an Indigo Child anymore than it makes you a cheese sandwich. Unlike others who accept shallow answers, Indigos are born with undying curiosity and thus keep on digging unless they are completely satisfied with the answer. Indigo refers to the indigo-hued aura that the youngsters emit. As the Indigo soul mission is encoded in your very being, you know your self-worth, you are unwilling to back down from confronting what feels out of integrity. Still, it is undeniable that many children simply do not fit the mold of normality, as they are contributing a new way of interacting, living, and relating in order to bring humanity out of the current dark age of divisiveness and destruction. Beyond psychic awareness, they are highly driven and creative with a perception that sees through the established norms of society. There are three castes of humanity, mortal, immortal, and divine. Apart from the name and the responsibility, it is really exhausting at times. Learn about spiritual awakening process. As small children, Indigos are easy to recognize by their unusually large, clear eyes. Previously, auric fields were expected shades of the rainbow, but the However, it will devoid your child of the desired care and medications that it needs. They are the old souls who refuse to succumb to societal norms and carve a peaceful way for the coming generations. When Crystal or Indigo Children are frustrated, scared, hyper, or generally upset, you can ask them to take a moment. Because of their headstrong and freethinking nature, such children are often feared, misunderstood, and therefore medicated at young ages. 7. You know that those who are native to this planet are growing and ascending and need help in their transformation. Mortals and immortals radiate at a single vibrational frequency, that can be a single color of the spectrum, from red, and up to indigo. The color between deep purple and blue that is associated with the sixth chakra energy vortex or third eye. The worst outcome for an Indigo is to be ignored or mocked for their perception is hawk-like and they are able to foresee the pitfalls and are compelled to drive change at massive levels. They may feel happy to live outside the box or the norm within life, and the society, they live in. Organic will regain its momentum. And why not, everyone fears change except for these rare beings. Have them stop what they are doing and breathe deeply by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. They also tend to enjoy reading and learning more than the kids their own age. The constant drive that refuses to settle can be paralyzing making them prone to the following: Indigo children find it their responsibility to change the world and free them from the normalized chains. This was an overall guide for you to identify whether or not you belong to the indigo clan. HowStuffWorks tells us that Nancy Ann Tappe, the originator of the Indigo Children legend, described seeing indigo auras around particular children. Apart from that, the following are some tips that you can adapt in your daily life. Having big blue eyes does not make you an Indigo Child anymore than it makes you a cheese sandwich. Your gaze seems more penetrating than the others and you can actually intimidate people just be looking at them. You are capable of thinking beyond this world. They commonly have a penetrating gaze, sometimes possess usual-colored and often round eyes; are sensitive, both mentally and physically; suffer from allergies and sensitivities caused by environmental factors; are spontaneous, and sometimes act without thinking through the consequences; love to climb; have a good sense of balance; are natural huggers (even with people they only just met); have no awareness of personal boundaries because they feel connected to all of humankind and, indeed, all living things; are healers and psychics; love music and singing, but hate loud noise; arent comfortable in noisy, over-crowded places and suffer from sensory overload; are badly affected by negative events, both in their personal sphere and worldwide; become helpers, carers, volunteers, healers and teachers; exude love for their family, pets and their friends; and are autodidacts preferring to teach themselves what they want to learn (rather than what theyre told to focus on). Youre always finding new and better methods of business, society, and ways of existing within the chaos of a society that is growing and evolving. According to Carroll and Tobers book, indigo children come in knowing who they are so they must be recognized, celebrated for their exceptional qualities, and guided with love and care., Carroll explained, Children are often the greatest blessing in life, and also the greatest challenge. Since then, other people have jumped on the bandwagon, combining reasonably good educational techniques with unwise medical choices and a truly bizarre worldview. Indigo adults are sensitive, intuitive, lively, loving, intelligent, and curious. Indigo childrens eyes are also usually deep azure and green and are intensely expressive. Skin Color; No matter what religion they belong to, the skin coloring is always light. Other Indigo traits have been described as having a high IQ, acute intuition, self-confidence, resistance to authority, old soul qualities, sensitivity to chemicals and fluorescent lights, and disruptive tendencies. Try these 5 emotional first aid techniques, Samhain Rituals - How to Celebrate Samhain, The Story of Santa Claus Might Come From Mushroom-Eating Shamans, How to Find Your True Spirit Animal or Totem Guide, Qigong: Centuries Old Wisdom for Modern Times, The Gaia Guide to Healing Crystals and Gemstones. Then, visualize a clear cord or clear rope coming from your root chakra (tail bone area) and entering Gaia. However, when the purpose is not fulfilled, they are compelled to return to the usual lifestyle. Thus, establishing a change of course in human evolution and their indigo aura. Indigo Children Who Are Misdiagnosed. The concept of classification via race, caste, creed, sex or religion will be demolished. However, there are a lot of other names with different theories. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Coupled with innate-self assurance, you often think your way is right and are offended if others cannot see, much less take action, from your point of view. They are often driven to make a positive change in the world. , are talents that a great many would still be resistant to believe, including the ability to levitate and teleport. Indigo is the color of the third-eye chakra, which deals with all other abilities beyond the ordinary psychic intuition, clairvoyance and out-of You are confident and even arrogant at times and emboldened by something larger than you can name. However, they carry a deep knowing they are right even though, if pressed, they may not be able to explain their assuredness. They may not always see this as a gift, for the world can be corrupt and indifferent. Indigos are born leaders. Indigo Children Who Are Misdiagnosed. (Fortunately, for the good!). Patience is something that should be developed. Indigo refers to the indigo-hued aura that the youngsters emit. Carrolls reported conversations with a spiritual entity named Kryon cemented the concept of indigo children not only among the general public, but also with a variety of doctors, educators, and psychologists. It is common for the indigo child to be misdiagnosed with behavioral issues such as ADD, ADHD, and other mood disorders. Characteristics of Indigo Children Here are the most common characteristics of Indigo children: Creativity They are creative in remarkable ways. HowStuffWorks tells us that Nancy Ann Tappe, the originator of the Indigo Children legend, described seeing indigo auras around particular children. These spiritually gifted children though extraordinarily empathetic are often misdiagnosed or misjudged by society as mentally ill patients. Is this an illusion? Find Out in 10 Easy Steps, Chronic Sufferers Are Choosing LSD and Psilocybin For Migraines, The Pineal Gland and The Third Eye Chakra, Comic Bill Hicks' Excellent Inter-Dimensional Adventure, Ancient Symbols of Protection From Around the World, Loren McIntyre Telepathically Communicated with This Amazon Tribe, How to Access Your Subconscious Mind in 4 Steps, Quantum Jumping With The Two Glass Method. Nature will be preserved in its best form.
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