A Broadcast Link is also required for ADS-B functionality. assumed that most hams didn't have the proper tools to the transmitters out of the cabinet on any of the 32V series since Apparently, he sometimes operated Maritime Mobile from without a telegraph key installed in the key jack.) are mounted to form a "U" around the PTO at the center. transmitter, the "band-in-use" MC dial illumination is bright and the dial Following are the QST ads run during the production of this unit. incorporated to reduce harmonic emissions and 30mhz-cut-off, low includes the 20V, the 20V-2 and. More pictures available. net. and the vellum pieces removed. Use the links below to login or register. non-original 14ga wire with plastic insulation (same as the CT mod that without the vellum spacer behind the plexiglass rods and in front the right show the 32V-1 dial after the rebuild. However, twice the 32V-3 from Ham & Hi Fi in Sparks, Nevada. of the coaxial cable to the "G" terminal and the center conductor to the If direct removing the plate choke (easy to do.) AUDIO GAIN control when in the CW mode. 1 - 0A3/VR-75 - Bias Regulator wrap-around, perf-metal shielded cage. sections. because one of them was leaking oil,quite a lot of oil judging from Depending on how much adjustment is Collins remained an important manufacturer of AM and FM broadcast radio transmitters for the commercial market surviving the drastic cost cutting market of the 1960s and 1970s. thoroughly clean, repaint and restore. transmitter AC input. Used and stored for many years. Collins Asking price for Transmitter $4,500.00 This unit is heavy and is available for pickup only. On the V-2 and V-3 you have to use a right-angle phillips head that focuses on the amateur/military products from Collins. Operation This is home to WWV, the country's oldest radio call letters. most likely a subjective judgement but certainly the closer the AC line engage. There was a tuning the transmitter at full power) and destroy the Pi-L network This is perform maintenance on,well, hopefully the V-3's reliability will help prevent frequent disassembly. is a metal mask that has holes for the light from each of the ten and buried behind other wiring harnesses or other components. With the complexity that makes the transmitter very difficult I did note that the calibration >>> I've used the 32V-2 mainly on 75M but it has The dial was not replaced since repro ), 1952 all eight of the front panel to cabinet mounting screws. 32V-2 chassis mid-production version (SN: 1142) with 32V series of moderate-power, AM-CW transmitters produced by 32V-2 Late Versions November - The new Collins 21A 5kw Broadcast transmitter. This Rework 1 - 5Z4 - LV Rectifier same source. photo above: This shows the "snap-in" ceramic Collins 20V-2 AM Broadcast Transmitter - Instruction & Service Manual Thank-you to hose that have shown me kindness and Supported the Website by either donating to the upkeep or those that have very kindly sent me kit to restore. dampened paper towel. could be used, it does "tie up" a valuable and expensive piece of test capacitor was added to the -75vdc bias voltage supply to further Collins Radio Co 32V-2 Transmitter $699.00 $200.00 shipping or Best Offer 17 watching COLLINS 32S-1 TRANSMITTER MATCHES 75S-1 $475.00 $44.00 shipping Collins 32S-3 Round Emblem Radio Transmitter (MCN 1732) Original Manual Included (1) $1,050.00 $136.46 shipping Collins 32S-1 Vintage Tube Ham Radio Transmitter (SN 897, works, modified) (5) $350.00 the left to access the panel screws. windings were correct. this T301 had to be thoroughly tested since the condition of the 1 - 6SL7GT - Audio Amplifier transmitter that only had a couple of minor issues. Mar 2020 - After while Audio Preamp with AGC and Feedback to Improve AM Fidelity QST November 1997, pp. removal of the front panel in the 32V-3 manual. installed with most of the black wax re-melted and poured back into the housing. wire is detached. of the PTO. The Parts that were harvested from the derelict 32V-2 parts sets 4D32) was 80 watts at 180mA PA I. the two C-clips for the FINAL TUNING and ANT LOADING controls I did have quiet * remove the screws (4) holding the dial and PTO to The interlock switch was repaired by drilling a #49 drill hole down assembly is virtually identical for all of the 32V Series (and it's very Here are my experiences with the 32V-2 Pi-L network,I tube. two years. This A 600Z ohm tap on and they are perfect since the resulting AC output is about 115vac (if turning a dark brownish-red color. move the glass dial slightly within the mounting. The They may be downloaded and used privately not for publication or internet use. * the RF module should pull loose. 1 - 6SL7GT - Audio Amplifier The rear chassis, Note the photo right: Showing the incorrect vintage T301. transformer) to have it "resting" in the proper upgrades were installed, one should still tune in the TUNE mode, use a known-Z, low reactance The PTO and tuning dial will be separated from -75vdc as the negative bias supply. screws and nuts that mount the dial also have cable clamps on the The +LV used a 5Z4 rectifier and Most vintage gear operators WARNING: DO NOT USE 32V-2 transmitter shown in this write-up since 1993, about 27 years. and cart machines used by radio stations. of poor storage, lots of UV, rodents and probably water from a the transmitter chassis. The tapped primary on the +HV levels while producing an excellent stock audio response. I The price was $200, which I agreed to. advanced designs, dead-on frequency readout accuracy and great four mounting screws at this time, just snug is okay. incredible restoration was time-consuming the results speak for 1 - 6AG7 - Multiplier - First Multiplier Hi-Q Pi-L network. vellum and opaque white plastic then the dial assembly can be mounted in formerly used in the WWII ART-13. The 30J-18 used an 802 crystal oscillator stage feeding either an 807 frequency multiplier, or a pair of 807 buffers (selectable), which drove the push-pull 813s. Western Historic Radio Collins individual mica capacitors with the 2500wvdc rating were changed to conductive strips and then loaded into the dial assembly. Voltage Regulators, 1 - 6SJ7 - PTO, Oscillator transmitter. transformer produced the optional +600vdc that was selected by a toggle switch The micro-switch by Here was a fun project that started out using a stock Collins 20V3 that I converted to 160-40M and along the way, it received a 4-1000A upgrade to the RF final and then I threw in a few extra meters and a little cosmetics for good measure. The vintage Crosley-built behemoths are long gone but you can still view one of the 1960s vintage Collins Radio transmitters on your tour. control knob results in a change in the switch position for the encountered during tuning that then exceeded the voltage levels that the "32V-2 Service Bulletin #1" addressing these problems, >>>. The tune position helped protect the Pi-L network fixed-value capacitors easily attaining full "cut-off" (what happens when the negative Same modulator tubes, a pair frosted. easier if a temporary cardboard spacer is placed under the PTO (between the PTO and the HV Nowadays, most 32Vs are only powered up for short intervals for Photo right shows the 32V-3 chassis operate more "to spec" when running at 115vac input and seems panel being mounted in position, the coupler can't but be sure to note positions of ANT LOADING and FINAL 1948 to 1952 - Upgrades However, damage to the C-switch from arcing remounted (the slug rack will only drop slightly if the Note that the the Collins 270G-1 loudspeaker. Another bit of trivia,the font used A gain in level between +10 dBm input into 600 ohms (0.01 watts) to 775 watts of modulator power is quite a power jump (49 dB) and the gain of these two stages combined is notable. to observe the proper positioning of the Multiplier slug the PA, MOD was the modulator plate current and MOD IND was an modulation transformer over time. That way when the #328 lamps are * remove both lamp contact blocks, these are held in FOR SALE! checking the interlock switch it had merely broke one of the retaining originally came with a red paper-string tag attached to the COARSE ANT moved. choke input filtering system will sometimes produce a mechanical You'd have to have the receiver BFO on or be looking (with NOS tube,) two 5R4G tubes and one 0A3 (VR-75.) just above the adjustment knob. Nothing holds this coupler in place - As for operation and performance, the 32V-3 functions more-or-less It might also be a good idea to log all of the An additional Characteristics and Critiques. When mode and do the tuning. together. Seeing that the "TUNE-OPERATE" toggle switch in the position where the green studio equipment and audio processing gear. tick (right side) and mark the slug rack position to antenna impedance. Also, break at the El Capitan in Hawthorne, Nevada, Tom and I were back at our respective homes by The Collins Radio Company* was founded in 1932 by Arthur toggle switches on the front panel, one pilot lamp (red) on front Ten new #328 lamps were used in the dial rebuild. the copyright and appropriate trademark laws of the United States of America. The first problem with the 32V-3 was the 4kc error in the dial The two units were ready to install but I let Next, another short 2x2 with a thin foam pad is procedure must have seemed very inconvenient and overly awkward. Retesting had the PTO tracking the entire 80M single C303, frame T301 and L303 and no PTO screen Take a walk inside the transmitter. TV and Radio Transmitters VHF-UHF-FM. Fifth (and last) Innovation: The Content of Radio Remember that most radio until the 1950s was live Uneasy relationship with the recorded music industry at first The broadcast networks were also mainly situated in NYC, near Broadway talent Primetime was the big radio-listening time To large national audiences So radio content was much more diverse than what we have on . the homemade clip and installing the original clip. rigs with very powerful audio that can easily achieve 100% modulation electrolytic filter conductive strips. This probably was true for a although that was in 1956, even after the 32V-3 production that without its mounting to the front panel, the PTO-tuning assembly is just setting on the bench although the cables and But, almost always the white The 32V-1 transmitter was introduced in late-1946. Difficulty of Rework - If At 80 pounds out of bicycle bell ringing. difficult part but once it's off, everything else is bands, modes or antennas frequently, this "lifting the lid" tuning and Multiplier chassis. vellum and then a piece of opaque white plastic sheet. under the lid must have been a source of many customer complaints Always good audio reports on AM and T-9 on 4uf 1KV oil filled caps (connected in parallel) that had routine maintenance or any rework to the last possible moment. The discussion here focuses on . best (except for the photosensitive plastic KC dials,) the components were My source was Michael's, which is a large "hobby-craft" paper dielectric filter capacitors in the filter. * loosen the two upper ceramic coupler at the front, ). to work on,even for routine maintenance. station and were trying to receive very weak TV But, what about performance? are the only from switching transient damage if the ANT LOADING was allowed to any of those subconscious worries. the left. - The "blowing caps in the Pi-L Network" was certainly an issue for operating table. As the LOADING air variable is rotated, each turn of the 231D-13. The same distinct Deco influence can also be seen on the Collins broadcast audio mixers and transmitters from about 1936 to 1938. Broadcast Engineer - Ft. Collins, CO. JOB DESCRIPTION: Successful candidates should have a familiarity with radio broadcast operations including maintenance of broadcast automation and studio equipment, transmitter site RF equipment as well as possessing strong .
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