To abstract this principle one step: The planet who owns the sign causing another planet to be debilitated is one of the planets who has the potential to help the debilitated planet rise above. Jupiter and Venus are benefics; Venus gives the plea By Indrajeet Meghanadan Shankaran , 2 years ago. In such cases even a Neech planet becomes a beneficial one and gives good results. . 1 Week If the combination occurs in 2/5/9/11 or any Kendra house (1/4/7/10) then this Yoga is stronger (as opposed to occuring in 3,6,8,12 bhaavs). In Western Astrology, the word Debilitated is used for a planet which is at fall due to its presence in a specific Zodiac Sign. The 3rd house can go either way so has to be seen chart-specific). The rule of thumb many inexperienced astrology follow is that When a planet is debilitated, during the dasha, the planet will provide no results or negative results related to its Karaka, House Rulership, or the house the planet is positioned in. (The Moon is in Taurus). So this particular chart is really a good example for illustrating how Cancellation of Debilitation actually works. Similarly Its better to understand the fundamental principles of astrology clearly and learn how to apply them, rather than asking very specific questions and looking for very specific answers. There is also a cancellation of debilitation of the Moon by the planet Venus which rules the sign of the zodiac the Moon finds its exaltation: Taurus. If a planet is in debilitation, it loses its power to give auspicious results and becomes destructive. It means, change in the energys course. This is their inherent nature. Rule 4 The planet that is exalted in the sign of the debilitated planet is positioned in an angle (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) from the lagna or the Moon. Whatever situations pop up in life, your personal confidence, health, ability to navigate, intelligence, emotional stability, support from friends etc will help you come out of them successfully. So, in this chart, Mars is saved by Jupiter and is able to pass that along to Saturn. (For example: Mercury is in Trine from the Ascendant). But fate for not everyone is the same. 2) When a deliberated planet simply goes in the paraivartan yog with its friend (naisargik and functional both). Venus mercury in Virgo and Pieces etc. I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT MOSTLY THE CANCELLATION OF DEBILITY OF SATURN AND SUN .DOES SUN COMBUST EXALTED SATURN IN LIBRA AND HOW CAN COMBUST SATURN HELP SUN TO GAIN POWER ? Transiting Mercury will experience debilitation (extreme weakness) on 10/04/2013 at 01:55 AM. All Venus finds in Virgo is conflicts/disputes and obstacles. Venus exalts in Pisces and Mercury . However, unlike your chart, saturn doesnt need any help from the sun; and being natural enemies, esp saturn being inimical to the sun more than sun is to saturn; Does the cancellation still hold true? The Navamsha lord of the debilitated planet is in Kendra or Trine from the Ascendant and the Ascendant is in Movable sign (or the ruler of the Ascendant is in movable sign). Now in the above process, this person is continuously getting sanctified just like gold achieves its highest purity at the highest temperatures and then we all know that even a Dog has its Day. Yes, the same principles apply in reverse. Jupiter would be exalted in Cancer, where Mars is Debilitated, and Jupiter is in an angle to the Ascendant (and not to mention is also aspecting the other debilitated planet, Saturn). Besides this, Virgo represents analytical or critical nature of people, being perfectionist and healing abilities. And the birth Moon has to be capable of giving auspicious results. (3) Mars can help a debilitated Jupiter, because Mars becomes exalted in Capricorn, where Jupiter falls to debility. Yet Mars himself is debilitated and it is Saturn who is helping Mars out of his debilitation! However, there are 8 major cancellations to a debilitated planet. In this chart Saturn is in Aries. of debilitated planets, even with cancellation of debilitation, cause difficulty. First of all let me list the rules related to this concept, as per the nadi texts: A planet causing neecha bhanga will make the person emperor and that too in his youth. At exactly the same time, Uranus ignites love crazy, when you find yourself disconnect, lives seems to lose their motion and Mercury takes charges and work out romance memorable. 1. So, when Venus is in Virgo, Venus is not getting proper environment to prosper the relationship factor in persons life. (For example: Mercury is in Sagittarius, Jupiter is in Gemini). 2) Lord of rashi in which neech planet (debilitated Planet) is placed is in Kendra from moon or lagan for example if sun is deliberated in Libra, Then if Venus is in Kendra from moon or lagan. Thus, if you have a planet debilitated, look to the planet who would be exalted in that sign as a source of help. (For example: Mercury is in Sagittarius, Jupiter is in Aries). SO, this was all about the rules, now lets come to the significance part. Sorryhave been out of and internet have been acting up thanks for the wonderful explanation.. I have written posts on the exalted and debilitated status of planets. (This is as per the rule, when more malefic planet is exalted and a comparatively less malefic planet is deliberated, neechbhang occurs in a more powerful way if they are in conjunction). All these stated above can be very much true if other factor didnt makeup of it, in the Birth chart. This is what the principle of neecha-bhanga (Cancellation of Debilitation) is all about! The Planet/lord of the sign the debilitated planet in exalted is conjunct or aspects the debilitated planet. That's why I decided to write something related to this concept. We see several divisional charts for improving the accuracy of the predictions (post here). Rule 5 The debilitated planet exchanges signs with its debilitation lord. So Saturn is friendly towards Mars, and Mars is neutral towards Saturn. Virgo- As Chitra is a part of Virgo, Virgo sign and its representations also become important. The word cacao is derived from Olmec and the subsequent Mayan languages (kakaw); the chocolate-related term cacahuatl is Nahuatl (Aztec language . If natural or functional benefics aspect this neech planet, even then his energies are diverted. So for example, if Jupiter is in the Cancer navamsha area of Capricorn (around 20-23 of Capricorn)then you can safety predict that the person whose chart you are looking at will be able to rise above their Jupiter weakness (or at least well compensate for it) by their own internal Jupiterian virtues. Jupiter is also in libra but its little ahead of all this three planets at 22 degrees. This quality of being unafraid to meet new people and experience new things is what turns the weakness of inner discontent into a strength, propelling him to interact with hundreds and thousands of new people in ways which cause inner fulfillment. Ok, so first let's understand that how powerful can this Neechbhang Raj yog be? The ruler of the sign where the debilitated planet is placed conjuncts or aspects the planet. First of all any Raja Yog in Jyotisha should only mean to contribute some prosperity and some good position in life, in its singular effects. Now, look carefully at Saturn to see what opportunities this person has for rising above this weakness: So we have found that this person has a lot of opportunity to significantly and powerfully rise above and surmount the problems and challenges posed by Saturn because they have not just one but three out of the four possible sources of help open to them. Now Victor can turn to you and relay that encouraging information to you, Elias, and help you. But you can apply these same rules to Mars! Suppose in your birth chart you have an exalted Sun and he goes and becomes neech in the D9, Suppose in your birth chart your Moon is in. If palnets are neech in lagna chart, yet they are excelled or molakarka in Navmasa (D9), does that give neech bhang? Jupiter is weakest (becomes debilitated) in Capricorn. For example deliberated Venus is getting in paraivartan (exchange) with its naisargik and functional friend mercury in Libra, Especially for Virgo, and Capricorn Ascendant. Raj : Rulerhsip; Powers, Success and Fame equivalent to that of a king. A debilitated planet is conjunct with an exalted planet who is friendly or at least neutral to him, thus can support him. Will an exalted Saturn still help the sun modify the ill effects of its debilitation; especially in the 12th house, where even its exaltation is probably more difficult to manifest itself completely? Hi , 'Can the debilitation of a planet be cancelled?'. First of all let me list the rules related to this concept, as per the nadi texts: So the Sun is another candidate. Not action reaction but the do unto others thing. This Venus will make you introspect deeply on what Venus really means, delve deeply into the more serious face of Venus. The debilitated planet has a planet exalted in one of the signs it rules. The planet that gets exalted in Capricorn is Mars. saturn and sun debilitated in taurus lagna. Saturn is planet of hard work. Therefore lord of Aries i.e. At least two forms of cancellation are required to achieve full neechha bhanga . But if these three points in your birth chart are good, then you are quite capable of weathering any storms in your life. Virgo is 6thsign, hence it has energy of 6thhouse of conflicts and obstacles. Your horoscope creates the environment around you, also offers you some options and helps you in making your decisions. Can the debilitation of a planet be cancelled?. Neech Bhanga means Cancellation of Debilitation. Rule 8 The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its exaltation lord. Say there are wives who are victims of domestic abuse. You can also try any of the simple or complicated remedies, from Homa, charity, giving away items, mantra, spiritual practice etc depending on what you can afford/like to do (do use the index pageor search bar to locate these posts). Conclusion As I see, these are the reasons why I feel Venus is debilitated in Virgo sign and Chitra Nakshatra at 27 degree. cheers. the last paragraph of your answer In Rule 2 the exaltation lord has to be in Kendra from lagna or Moon. Bhang does not mean cancellation. Let try to understand why Venus gets debilitated in Virgo sign and in Chitra Nakshatra. For example Moon in Scorpio. The Lord of Cancer is Moon; therefor Moon become the exaltation lord. -Example of cancellation of debility ( ) in Shri Albert Einstein's chart. Lastly I will add some other contributing condition which are led down astrologer H. R. Seshadri Iyer : The exaltation lord of the debilitated planet is in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its debilitation lord. Particularly, if you take the principle of Varga Vimshopaka into account, younever have to worry about a checklist of rules for cancelling debilitation again.. So whenever a planet is debilitated, the planet who owns the sign in which that planet would be exalted is another force which can help the debilitated planet overcome its challenges and weaknesses. But and if valid, jupiter falls in a pushkar navamsha. It is really not a cancellation but a modification. But anyway, lets continue. For a debilitated planet to have this positive trait the ability to be compensated for or risen above there have to be special conditions in the birth chart pertaining to the planet. Whatever the other planets are upto, you can use their energies in some way favourable to you. Or something bad for someone can be perceived to be good for someone else. The ruler of the sign where the debilitated planet is placed is exalted or is placed in its own sign. In my chart, (Scorp asc @ 11degrees. Create a free website or blog at Hence, Venus when you find yourself moving forward the best way to exaltation imparts an excellent rosy love life as well as on debilitation really does just the opposite. planet creating the cancellation should not own be conjunct or aspected by the rulers of the 3rd 6th 8th or 12th houses, neecha bhanga raj yoga is one of the most powerful yogas combination that makes a person powerful wealthy prosperous famous and virtuous usually the terms neech bhanga and raj yoga are used together by people it is important Also on how they perform in the D1 birth chart and the D9 navamsha, param-neech etc, do go through these (use the index page or search bar), will not repeat all that again. Cancellation of debilitation also restores the dignity of the soul which indicates that they actually harness strict criticism to battle injustice, immorality, or simply nonsense matters. Still these are the all possible ways listed above which can cause the Neecha Bhanga as per astrological texts. I have an interesting question..i am born in capricorn ascendant of 14 degrees. If the ascendant sign, ascendant lord and birth Moon are powerless in your chart, then even if you have exalted planets or raj-yogs they cannot give major favourable results. But if we look at the case of sun and Saturn (in Aries for sat and in Libra for sun), [out of the these cases sun neechbhang would be more powerful as Saturn is a more malefic planet as compared to the sun and is also the inherent enemy of Sun. In all the of the above examples COMMON point is that neech bhang(if occurring) The Lord of the neechha graha = uchha neechha debility = reduced somewhat if the lord of the neechha graha is strong or svakshetra What if for cancer ascendent Jupiter in Seventh house has made NBRY . What is meant by a Neech Planet (a debilitated planet)? Please post any comment or query you may have. What could be the pros and cons for Mars here. And the biggest neech bhang is this, and it is applicable in all readings. (In the above cases, Both Venus and mercury are friends; also both Jupiter and mars are friends). (with due respect to the Sages who laid down some rules and norms about the cancellation of debilitation of planets but when applied in a practical way one will . And your friend Victor is also very depressed because he also failed. debilitation does not = weakness. There is no doubt of this. The ruler of the sign where the debilitated planet is exalted is in kendra from the Ascendant or the Moon. If there are any of these combinations with respect to the neech planet in your chart, then his energy will be diverted. Debilitation is cancelled due to 2 factors: When the dispositor is in a quadrant ( 1,4,7 & 10 houses ) either from the Ascendant or the Lunar Ascendant. If a debilitated planet is conjoined an exalted planet then the exaltation energy will positively effect the debilitated planet. would be occurring with the help of a friend. If you have not done your birth time correction etc do not use the varga charts, they will mislead. (Note: I have few reservations regarding the applicability of the above rule). Home The strength of cancellation in the descending order. with Jupiter, Ketu and Mercury in 1st house, moon in 4th, Ven, Mar in 11 Ven deb; sun, sat in 12 sun deb). 6)When a deliberated planet gets a Vargottammi (planet occupies the same rashi in lagan and navamsa charts) position, neechbhang occurs., again this is will not be complete but yes planet does gain strength when happens to be Vargottammi. Cancellation of Debilitation - The Eight Rules The debilitation lord of a debilitated planet is in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon. If the owner of the sign occupied by the debilitated planet is conjunct with or aspects that debilitated planet and can support him. This explains why Saturn despite being an enemy of sun, provide huge strength to the sun in the process of neechbhang. Jupiter can help himself only if he has internal strength. The debilitation sign is 180 degrees from the exaltation sign.
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