my cat licked profender

Eliminates the need for repeat dosing*, reducing stress for your clients and patients. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It usually takes a few days before cats get used to having an Elizabethan collar around their neck. Revolution Plus is labeled for cats 8 weeks and older. Slugs in themselves do not pose a significant problem to cat's digestive system - insects and the like are a natural part of the feline diet. I had a beautiful 10-year-old cat named Big Girl, who lost her fight to Profender. A powdery residue could be observed on the treatment site, but it is only temporary and not a cause of worry. Temporary effects like a damp appearance or stiffening of the hair, and a powdery residue may be seen at the site of application [9]. Of those, 606 received a single treatment with PROFENDER Topical Solution. Use with caution in sick or debilitated cats. My Cat Licked Profender: What May Happen To It, Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Pillow: Thorough Breakdowns, Why Does My Cat Chase His Tail: In-Depth Analyses, How Many Times A Day Should A Cat Pee: Breakdowns, Alternatives To Declawing A Cat: A Guide For Cat Parents, Why Does My Cat Stare At The Wall: Complete Breakdowns, What To Do With A Stray Cat That Won't Leave: A Couple Of Suggestions, Cat Sleeping With Eyes Open: Frequently Asked Question And Answers, Cat Breeds With Big Ears: A Guide For Cat Parents, Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Head: Thorough Breakdowns, How Long Can A Cat Go Without Eating: Complete Breakdowns. After application, Profender gets absorbed into the bloodstream of a cat and then passes into the gastrointestinal tract [8]. I use Milbemax wormer for my cats which contains praziquantel/milbemycin, but not emodepside. If possible, enlist a friend's help to hold the cat so you have both hand's free to apply the drops. Neurological disorders result from a disruption to your cat's nervous system. Listings by active ingredient may represent more than one brand name. If she's simply drooling like Niagara Falls but otherwise seems fine, offer her water or tuna to help her dilute the stuff and moderate the taste in her mouth. This works well for us because theres no fussing or fighting about it., I have been using Profender for about 3 years now. After doing some research online I found a ton of other stories like mine that happened.. Do not get this product in the cat's mouth or eyes or allow the cat to lick the application site for one hour. THIS SERVICE AND DATA ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". Luckily, Profenderis an easy and effective way to deworm your cat. Turn the cap over and place the other end of the cap onto the tip of the tube. The vet put her on IV fluids and anti-nausea meds. He is only 8 months old. Indicated for cats that are at least 8 weeks old and weigh at least 2.2 lbs. With a degree in Animal Behaviour and over a decade of practical animal husbandry experience, Hannah's articles cover everything from pet care to wildlife conservation. Anxiety. Down below, you would find everything you have to know about Profender including what may happen if cats accidentally taste it. Millet is a type of hardy, nutritious grass seed that . It's also possible your cat has licked some of their flea medicine off their neck. My cat licked profender that was applied to his back. He vomitted However, you should observe and monitor your cat. Make i predenje idu zajedno poput maslaca od kikirikija i elea. Ticks can be found anywhere in the United Statesany time of year in both rural and urban environments 4; Ticks can spread several diseases in cats 4,5; They can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions 4,5; Revolution Plus kills 3 types of ticks for a full month after one dose, including black-legged ticks (a.k.a. I had the same problem with Wendall when I first got him and applied the Profender. This will distract it and make the experience a positive one. I went to the vet because one of my cats had worms. 6. Required fields are marked *. Just as we realized she was licking it, she stopped and started foaming at the mouth and drooling. When she isn't creating content for blog posts, Hannah enjoys long walks with her Rottweiler cross Senna, reading fantasy novels and breeding aquarium shrimp. It prevents harmful worm infections in cats. This is normal and should subside in a few days. If you notice that she is salivating, vomiting, feeling drowsy, or experiencing tremors, take her to the nearest veterinary clinic for immediate treatment. It is directly applied to the skin of the cats neck at the base of the skull. Cats that are more than eight weeks old and weigh more than 2.2 pounds can take the solution, but it should not be applied to younger cats. That way they can't reach it to lick try as they might. Profender is used by many animal owners as a preventive and curative treatment for worms in cats and dogs. My Cat Licked Profender: What May Happen To It - CattyBox There the two active ingredients interact with the systems of the susceptible parasites [1]. In other cases, Profender can cause a cat to become lethargic. My cat licked profender that was applied to his back. For medical emergencies or to report an adverse reaction, call 1-800-422-9874. However, this can become a problem when you apply a topical solution like Profender to your cat. I am hoping to hear more this afternoon. Keep out of reach of children. And above all, no more worms. IMO, call the experts. There is a high risk that my cats will get worms from those cats, so I give them the Profender once a month as preventative care. 5. He has not responded a well as expected to an oxygen tent and an injection to help clear his lungs. Part the hair on the back of the cats neck at the base of the head until the skin is Federal law (U.S.A.) restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. Your cat may become uninterested in eating, resulting in weight loss, or shake its head along with excessive drooling and foaming at the mouth. Profender side effects? | UK Pet Forums Forum Why Is My Cat Drooling After I Put Flea Medication on Them? I felt like a negligent pet guardian and have lost confidence in my vet. Select one or more newsletters to continue. In this article, get to know the possible effects and the measures to take if your cat comes in contact with Profender. I didnt see her scratching or licking just lumps of fur and then within 36 hours she had 2 bald patches and red inflamed skin was . NOTE: If a dog has been treated with a Permethrin flea product and the cat licks the wet dog product off the dog or brushes up against the dog and then licks their fur, this can cause toxicity as cats are highly sensitive to Permethrin products. A topical solution - Profender is a powerful treatment to control hookworms, whipworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. If the product accidentally gets into eyes, flush thoroughly with water. Archie continues to improve. The 6 Best Cat Dewormers in 2023 - Insider (See Table below.). The side effects should disappear after a short period, but if they persist after a day or two, consult your vet for a thorough checkup and treatment. It is based on the principle that a cat cannot lick its fur if it cannot turn his head and reach the treated area. For a complete listing of adverse reactions for Profender Topical Solution reported to the CVM see: Praziquantel is an isoquinoline cestocide. 14 ml/kg or 5.45 mg/lb. What are the side effects of Profender for cats? Who is Profender for Cats, 1 Dose for? Being a topical solution, Profender is applied to the skin of the pets which earn a lot of praises from people that own finicky cats. The formulation and dosage schedule is designed to provide a minimum of 1.36 mg/lb (3mg/kg) emodepside and 5.45 mg/lb (12 mg/kg) praziquantel based on body weight. Safe use of this product has not been evaluated in cats less than 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 2.2 lbs (1 kg), in cats used for breeding, during pregnancy or in lactating queens. 20 - 0.35 mL tubes (5 blisters of 4 tubes), 40 - 0.35 mL tubes (10 blisters of 4 tubes), 20 - 0.7 mL tubes (5 blisters of 4 tubes), 40 - 0.7 mL tubes (10 blisters of 4 tubes), 20 - 1.12 mL tubes (5 blisters of 4 tubes), 40 - 1.12 mL tubes (10 blisters of 4 tubes), 8 - 0.35 mL tubes (2 blisters of 4 tubes), 8 - 1.12 mL tubes (2 blisters of 4 tubes). Profender for Cats: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects - ThePetStep Why Are My Cat's Back Legs Not Working (Weak, Wobbly, and Stiff)? The pets should carry on their daily activities as usual. Unique combination of active ingredients eliminates need for repeat dosing*. Glad to hear that there is an improvement in Archie's condition; it must be a relief for you. CAUTION: Federal law (U.S.A.) restricts Profenderto use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. Profender should only be applied to intact skin. They check if their cat is urinating large amounts, or if there are any abnormalities in the feces when it defecates. In addition, this medication is only for use with animals and should be kept out of the reach of children. The Profender for Cats is an excellent product to use for worm prevention and/or treatment. If my cat licks the profender off will it kill her - JustAnswer It can be triggered by injury (sprains, strains, and broken bones) or by a progressive disease, such as arthritis. Follow the dosage directions given by your vet. Prevent the possibility of illness by keeping her mouth away from the Frontline until it dries completely. 4. He salivated quite alot and I watched him closely. The internet can be great, but can also scare the hell out of you. About 24 hours after the application, she started to get very sick. In . When used properly, side effects of Revolution products for cats are uncommon. Profender is protected by the following U.S. Box 390, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66201 U.S.A. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. If re-infection occurs, the product can be re-applied after 30 days. Jane Williams began her writing career in 2000 as the writer and editor of a nationwide marketing company. Stiff hair, a damp appearance of the hair, or a slight powdery residue may be observed at the treatment site. Store Profender in a cool and dry place. Do NOT induce vomiting without consulting a vet or Pet Poison Helpline. Data from these studies demonstrated PROFENDER Topical Solution is safe and effective for the treatment and control of hookworm infections caused by Ancylostoma tubaeforme (adults, immature adults, and fourth stage larvae), roundworm infections caused by Toxocara cati (adults and fourth stage larvae), and tapeworm infections caused by Dipylidium caninum (adults) and Taenia taeniaeformis (adults). It should not be given by mouth, nor should cats be allowed to lick the application site, as this may result in transient signs of distaste (and occasionally vomiting) due to the bitter taste of the product. Lift tube away from the skin before releasing pressure on the tube. No improvement. Side Effects of Prednisolone for Cats | Canna-Pet To ensure the entire contents of the tube are administered, place the tip of the tube on the skin and squeeze the entire contents directly onto the skin. Toxic Ingestion The bad news is that the vet now suspects something going on with Archie's heart as he can hear more clearly now the fluid has been removed. There's little you can do except offer her plenty of water to help her stay hydrated and to wash the taste from her mouth. Buy Profender for Cats Online | World Pet Express Positive update. Reactions such as facial, tongue and hand swelling have been reported in humans in rare instances. So with him having the salivating, the chance is there that he did lick some somehow. If your cat is over 8kg, please combine the appropriate pipettes to give an accurate dose. If you notice your dog or cat showing signs of any of these symptoms, call your vet right away: Muscle Weakness/In-Coordination - In 1% of clinical trials, some pets experienced extreme muscle weakness which lead to . Worry that your furball could be in deep trouble after licking Profender off its skin? Buy Profender for Cats Therefore, as a precaution, consult with the vets in advance about the state of your furball before giving the pet Profender. They gave us Profender and Revolution. Needless to say, if cats feel something odd on their skin as well as fur, they shall resort to grooming to relieve the strange sensation. Check to make sure your pet is safe: breathing and acting normally. Aug 22, 2017 #2 mrsgreenjeens Every Life Should Have Nine Cats Staff Member Twist the cap to break the seal and then remove the cap from the tube. Not for human use. The vet advised me to write to the manufacturers (tho' she herself didn't do); I was fobbed off with an evasive reply. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Profender Cat Dewormer | 1800PetMeds However, the licking and grooming can cause a cat to ingest the drug to the point that it may experience physical side effects. The following adverse events are listed in decreasing order of reporting frequency in cats: Application site reaction (hair loss, dermatitis, pyoderma, edema, and erythema), hypersalivation, lethargy/depression, vomiting, ataxia, anorexia, trembling/twitching, diarrhea, mydriasis, fever, hyperactivity/nervousness. Flea And Tick Toxicity - Questions And Answers - Pet Poison Helpline Once absorbed, Profender moves into the bodys tissues and fluids. If your cat is heavier than 17.6 pounds, you will need to combine cat medication tubes to match the appropriate weight. Weakness and stiffness can be due to bone, ligament, muscle problems, nerve damage, neurological issues, or organ failure. The ready-to-use tubes effectively treat in just one application. A single application is sufficient for one treatment. We wont know more until the morning. 4.11 . However, there are also reports from cat owners who say that Profender killed their cats or caused them to fall ill. What are the risks of Profender and can Profender kill a cat? In a laboratory study, cats artificially infected with adult heartworms and treated with PROFENDER Topical Solution had fewer worms recovered than the placebo control group. As a spot-on topical solution, it may be prescribed for treating infections caused by the different stages of canine roundworm, hookworm, lungworm, as well as adult tapeworms in cats [3]. At the study conclusion, the 1X and 5X cats had fewer live heartworms recovered than the 0X group. This skin irritation may extend to her mouth after licking, causing her ulcers and pain on the sensitive skin inside. Zato moja maka ne prede? - Kuni Ljubimci - 2022 She just can't help herself. Oh lor you poor love. Zoey is the mother of Purrfect n' Pawesome's mascot and a long-time animal . Vet says sometimes this just spontaneously happens?? Twist the cap to break the seal and then remove the cap from the tube. Your Cat May Be Suffering From Congestive Heart Failure. Ok you are only 15 and you should be courious but letting the dog lick you isn't the way to find out. The medication starts working against tapeworms within 24 hours, while removal of other forms of parasites occurs within 48 hours after application [6]. Dental disease that affects the teeth and gums is mostly due to your cat's diet. He vomitted. Should Ask an Expert Ask a Vet Cat Vet Found 1 result (s) for your search My cat licked profender that was applied to his back. She just can't help herself. Like many other medications, Profender carries its own set of side effects like lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, irritation, agitation and alike. It's a memory your cat had from being licked by its own mother and is a real sign of affection. I see similar horror stories online before I stopped reading. Profender is used to treat cats against roundworms and tapeworms. Well, Profender is simple to use and excels at killing worms but to be on the safe side, you have to remember the following things. Cats are compulsive groomers, and if your cat feels something wet on her fur, she will lick it. Just one application of easy-to-use Profender allows you to confidently treat and control tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms. Adverse reactions like tongue, hand, and facial swelling, as well as irritation of skin and eyes, may occur in rare cases when Profender is ingested or comes in contact with your eyes and skin [3]. Williams briefly attended college for a degree in administration before embarking on her writing career. See how you could save money on your Profender purchase. Profender All Wormer For 2.5-5kg Medium Cats 2pk | Petbarn One of mine had an immediate dreadful reaction to a flea treatment (Stronghold) and I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole now; not on the cat involved and not on the others. Owners should not exceed the once-a-month application guideline for this topical . Oral ingestion or exposure should be avoided. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and squeeze the entire contents directly onto the skin. 5. Increased appetite. Profender for cats side effects | eHow UK What is Profender for Cats, 1 Dose? How Often Should You Bathe a Maltese Without Ruining Its Coat?, Bacitracin Ophthalmic Ointment for Eye Diseases in Cats. For customer service or to obtain product information, including the SDS, call 1- 800-633-3796. Once applied to the skin, it rapidly enters the bloodstream and moves toward the intestines. Is Profender Safe for Cats? 2023 Bestie Paws Hospital Profender almost killed my cat! What Are the Warning Signs a Cat Has Licked Frontline. Do not get this product in the cats mouth or eyes or allow the cat to lick the application site for one hour. How to administer Profender: Remove one pipette from package. Unfortunately, with almost otherworldly contortion abilities, she may reach it anyway. Keep it away from the reach of children and pets. As a general rule, if the medication you're giving your cat has been prescribed and you followed the instructions, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. If the product accidentally gets into eyes, flush thoroughly with water. Profender is a topical solution for cats to treat and eliminate hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. Apr 1, 2014. Home & Forums | Cats have different tolerance levels and the severity of the side effects could vary from one cat to another. This medication is easily and conveniently applied as a spot-on treatment. If your cat has worms there are other products that can be used for treatment. Updated: 2023-02-28. Profender has been the only product that actually works, and its really easy to use. By utilizing a unique combination of active ingredients not found in any other dewormer for single-dose efficacy, Profender is effective and a second treatment should not be necessary. JavaScript is disabled. The symptoms were completely reversible. My cat is 16 pounds, so I put the dose on the back of her neck. This product is killing our beloved pets!, I chose this product because the applicator is so simple, I didnt think twice. Best oral tapeworm dewormer: Droncit Tablets . In the case your cat happens to weigh more than 17.6 pounds, you have to use a combination of doses in order to get rid of the worms. One sign that your cat has licked flea treatment is loss of appetite. Required fields are marked *. Profender cat wormer is effective. Profender is known for causing irritation in the eye as well as the skin of humans so you must be careful. These symptoms were thought to occur as a result of the cat licking the application site. If her behavior changes dramatically after her exposure to Frontline, contact your veterinarian immediately for advice and guidance. I will never forgive myself if its been caused by the profended. Adverse reactions to Frontline typically show fairly quickly, so keep an eye on your cat for the first days after applying the medication. Description. Turn the cap over and place the other end of cap onto the tip of the tube. For medical emergencies or to report an adverse reaction, call 1- 800-422-9874. Break the tubes seal, part your cats hairs, and then apply by squeezing the entire content onto the skin behind its neck [3]. Depending on your cat's medical or genetic history, she may develop more severe reactions from her experimental taste, such as vomiting, lethargy or tremors. Information contained on this site pertains only to the United States of America, and is not intended to provide adequate information for product use. The cats exhibited salivation, vomiting, tremors, abnormal gait, abnormal respiration and weight loss. Profender is a vet-recommended dewormer for cats that provides a one-time topical deworming treatment. Foreign Market Experience: The following adverse events were reported voluntarily during post-approval use of the product in foreign markets: application site reaction (hair loss, dermatitis, pyoderma, edema, and erythema), salivation, pruritus, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, ataxia, loss of appetite, facial swelling, rear leg paresis, seizures, hyperesthesia, twitching, and death. There is no cause for worry since symptoms like drooling and drowsiness will easily pass and will not seriously hurt your cat. My cats hate pills and will do anything they can to not take them. 2000-2023 If your cat experiences vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours of application, make sure he has plenty of water to drink so he does not become dehydrated. She was not the first and will not be the last. About A 2-3 minute chase ensues as my girlfriend frantically calls our vet. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 5 Feb 2023), Cerner Multum (updated 22 Feb 2023), ASHP (updated 12 Feb 2023) and others. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Check us out for further detailed cat's health guide! *Reinfection is always a possibility, in which case additional treatment after 30 days may be necessary. She was fine for about 24 hours and then we started noticing she was having a lot of trouble walking. Do NOT give any home antidotes. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. Bayer Drontal Broad-Spectrum Dewormer as the best on the market. If the issue is in the brain, seizures may be present. This is normal and indicates that the medication was effective at killing the worms. *Reinfection due to exposure may require repeat dosing. Oral Safety Studies in Cats: PROFENDER Topical Solution was administered orally at the recommended topical dose to young adult cats. If you can call your own vet, I'd do so. While holding the tube in an upright position, remove the cap from the tube. A de-wormer is a kind of medication that is administered to your cat and dog that fights with the worms present in their digestive system. This exclusive product is administered on your cat's skin with an easy-to-use applicator that eliminates parasitic worms (i.e., tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms) all at once, guaranteeing a comfortable and lovable condition. Table of Contents hide Another variation is a firm collar that fits around the neck like a neck brace. However, there are also reports from cat owners who say that Profender killed their cats or caused them to fall ill. What are the risks of Profender and can Profender kill a cat? While the use of the drug did not appear to be the direct cause of death, treatment with the drug cannot be ruled out as a contributing factor (See PRECAUTIONS). Some cats will lick or groom excessively. Turn the cap over and place the other end of the cap onto the tip of the tube. Treat the worms that matter most to your cat, Profender is applied topically to your cats skin, so theres no need for the stress of pills, Just one easy application, which means no follow up appointment*. Revolution Plus | Zoetis Petcare The medication's taste usually causes the most notable reaction, as the cat's mouth waters to get rid of the foul flavor.

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my cat licked profender

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